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Guns_and_butter_logoLUMPENPROLETARIAT—On today’s edition of Guns and Butter, host Bonnie Faulkner presented Part 4 of a fascinating series of interviews with Kevin Ryan on his book, Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects. [1]

By now, it’s quite well understood that the official 9/11 Commission Report was fatally flawed, depriving the American people of a sincere investigation into the crimes of 9/11, which have been used as continuing justification for endless war everywhere, in other words, endless justification for U.S. imperialism justified by fears of synthetic threats, giving new meaning to the term manufacturing consent.

Kevin Ryan‘s book, Another Nineteen, provides a comprehensive study of the current body of research on the prime suspects, who deserve to be investigated for their apparent roles in carrying out the crimes of 9/11Listen (and/or download) here. [2]



[Working draft transcript of actual radio broadcast by Messina for Lumpenproletariat and Guns and Butter.]

GUNS AND BUTTER—[24 AUG 2016]  “ [theme music]

KEVIN RYAN:  “And, so, if we see the film, what most people really remember is not how the buildings fell in a very inexplicable way, they remember the fireballs.  They remember these pyrotechnic effects occurring on 9/11.”

BONNIE FAULKNER:  “I’m Bonnie Faulkner.  Today on Guns and ButterKevin Ryan.  Today’s show:  ‘Another Nineteen, Part 4‘.

Kevin Ryan was site manager of a division of Underwriters Laboratories, or UL.  As a manager at Underwriters, he began in 2003 to question the World Trade Center investigation being conducted by UL and the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and UL’s work to insure the fire resistance of the buildings.

Ryan lost his position at UL for making his questions public.

“He was a founding member of the 9/11 Working Group of Bloomington and Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice.  He now serves as co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies.  He has authored several books and peer-reviewed scientific articles on the subject of 9/11.  His latest book is Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects.

“Today, we discuss Brian Michael Jenkins, L. Paul Bremer, terrorist propaganda, Wirt Walker, Kuwait American Corporation (or KuAm), Barry McDaniel, and Stratesec. (c. 1:54) 

Kevin Ryan, welcome.”

KEVIN RYAN:  “Thank you, Bonnie.”

BONNIE FAULKNER:  “In your chapter, ‘Bremer, Jenkins and Terrorism Propaganda‘, you begin with the example of the Cold War, which was driven by threats to national security and hyped by the media.  You draw a parallel with the same tactics used in driving the War On Terror.  How was the communist threat sold to the public?  And who was behind this?”  (c. 2:20)

[SNIP]  (c. 5:30)

[On Team B]  (c. 6:30)

[On Operation Gladio]

[On transforming the American fear of a Soviet threat into the oxymoronic notion of ‘Islamic terrorist’ threat]  (c. 14:50)

[On the formation of a parallel CIA consisting largely of disgruntled agents fired by President Carter]  (c. 16:20)

[On the 1979 Jerusalem conference on international terrorism, which was attended by Bush and Netanyhu]

[On the Hart-Rudmond Commission]  (c. 20:30)

[SNIP]  (c. 37:30)

[On the Carlyle Group and the Bush family’s links to the crimes of 9/11]  (c. 49:15)

[On LANL]  (c. 51:45)

[On the tenants of the World Trade Center buildings]

[On the World Trade Center elevator fire-proofing, Ace Elevator company, & issues of elevator failures]  (c. 54:00)

[On the highly coincidental exercises]

[On why Barry McDaniel, an apparent “deep state operative,” and other colleagues from Stratesec should be investigated for their apparent crimes]

[SNIP]  (c. 59:59)

Learn more at GUNS AND BUTTER.

[This transcript will be expanded as time constraints, and/or demand or resources, allow.]


Also see this relevant Lumpenproletariat article on 9/11, featuring a transcript of Media Roots Radio, which your author originally transcribed for Media Roots in 2012:

  • Historical Archive: “MR Radio Transcript: 9/11 Coincidence Theory”, 25 OCT 2015.


[1]  For more information on important research by Kevin Ryan, M.A., also see:

[2]  Terrestrial radio broadcast, 94.1 FM (KPFA, Berkeley, CA) with online simulcast and digital archiving:  Guns and Butter, this one-hour broadcast hosted by regular host Bonnie Faulkner, Wednesday, 24 JUL 2016, 13:00 PDT.

See previous Guns and Butter broadcasts:


[27 AUG 2016]

[Last modified 14:02 PDT  30 AUG 2016]

















