
LUMPENPROLETARIAT[Tuesday, 09 MAY 2023]  Greetings, fellow readers.  Here are some of today’s media/press notes to help us track and make sense of this plandemic dystopia we all find ourselves living through in the 2020s, including inverted totalitarianism, medical authoritarianism, medical apartheid, police-state domestic surveillance, repression, and lockdowns, COVID-19 psyop (psychological operation), post-COVID-19 controlled demolition of the global economy, looming food crisis, the rise of neo-feudalism, houseless encampments of the neo-peasantry, nuclear danger, creeping WWIII provoked by US/NATO/AUKUS imperialism against the BRICS nations and the global south, military pollution, petrol pollution, corporate pollution, chemical pollution, geoengineering, chemical cloud seeding, endocrine disrupting chemicals in the food and water, a worsening global fertility crisis, industry-induced and/or geoengineering-induced climate change, a climate crisis of melting ice caps, record heatwaves, tornadoes, floods, drought, drying rivers, and other extreme weather events, and ecological collapse, which threaten life on Earth.

Let’s learn together; and find solutions together. Let’s build working-class solidarity.  Let’s build human solidarity.  Let’s form groups and “act for justice”, as Ralph Nader has long advised.  “[There’s] power anywhere where there’s people, as Fred Hampton said.  Siempre hay esperanza.  (Please see below for samples of today’s news cycle.)

The most salient news today is the publication of two videos by Cristian Terheș, a member of the European Parliament. (See additional notes below.) These two videos document presentations from the International COVID Summit III in Brussels, which is Belgium’s capitol and home to the headquarters of the European Union. (See website link.) This is the third annual International COVID Summit. But please do not confuse this important summit with the phony COVID summit held by the U.S. State Department in 2021 or 2022. Unlike the phony state-corporate COVID-19 summits led by the U.S. government via video conferencing, the International COVID Summits convened in person in 2021, 2022, and 2023 and featured critical and dissident perspectives. And critical dissident perspectives are what we, the people, need after three years of state-corporate propaganda pushing a phony singular big pharma narrative and psyop, after three years of totalitarian suppression of medical and scientific liberty, after three years of suppression of scientific debate.

The International COVID Summit III laid out approximately eight hours of densely-packed evidence against the phony state-corporate COVID-19 narrative. Even if you haven’t paid any attention whatsoever to the news about the COVID-19 pandemic, or perhaps more accurately, plandemic, you will be hard-pressed to deny the entire COVID-19 issue represents crimes against humanity, as a number of the experts described the response to the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak and later variants by many state governments. As Dr. Meryl Nass put it, “We are undergoing a soft coup.” As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and others have explained, the COVID-19 issue (like the climate change issue) has been hijacked to impose totalitarian controls on society. Almost everything we have been told by the state-corporate media/press about the SARS-CoV-2 virus, infections, and the COVID-19 injectable drug products were lies. A number of us have known this all along the way, for example, listeners of The Gary Null Show. Dr. Gary Null was way ahead of the curve on this issue from day one, presenting his audience with crucial, honest, and critical information, perspectives and dissident voices, which the state-corporate media and even ostensible free speech networks, like Pacifica Radio, denied their audiences. For those, who have refused to confront the truth, or look for the truth, now, in one event, doctors and experts from around the world have presented irrefutable evidence that the statistical modeling used to project coronavirus dangers were exaggerated, early treatments were denied causing possibly millions to die unnecessarily due to denial of early treatments, and then the COVID-19 injectable drug products were fraudulently pushed as vaccines, when they were in fact dangerous cytotoxic gene therapy drugs. As Maria Gutschi, a pharmacotherapuetic specialist from Canada said, ‘These drugs must be regulated as gene therapy drug products. Without this type of regulation, we could be seeing another type of pandemic.’

You truly have to listen to the entire eight hours of presentations across the two videos to fully appreciate the immense value of the International COVID Summit III for public health and for our collective hopes for securing a free and open society. Once you are informed, raise up your voice against these crimes against humanity and demand that these criminals be held accountable, demand an end to gain of function bioweapons engineering. As R. Chifari, and others put it, these are bioweapons and constitute crimes against humanity. If nothing else, it cannot be denied that there is no science without debate. We must share this information widely because the establishment media/press, in dereliction of its duty, only serving corporate interests and betraying the public, has hitherto refused to advance scientific debate and has, instead, stifled the free flow of information. We must wake the folk up!

I think our priority should not be electoral politics. I think our priority should be building disciplined, organized militant popular movements. And electoral politics can be part of that movement, but shouldn’t be the primary focus. We have to rebuild those organizations because the only strength we have is in our numbers. And, if we use those numbers correctly, we can pit power against power. But that requires organization.

Chris Hedges (quoted from a 2021 talk at Brooklyn College)

OTHER SALIENT (i.e., meaningful, truth-seeking, truth-tracking) OBSERVATIONS:

  • International COVID Summit III – part 1 – European Parliament, Brussels” by Cristian Terhes [via YouTube], 9 MAY 2023. | NOTES: The first International COVID Summit took place in 2021. … | (c. 13min 00sec) Dr. David Martin. [TW] … (c. 22min 00sec) ‘they knew vaccines wouldn’t work because viruses mutate so quickly..’ [Yes, we knew this…] | “N. Hudson” from UK(?) on the statistics, which show the SARS-CoV-2 virus ‘never posed a serious threat’ … ‘the term novel coronavirus was misused…’ [TW] (c. 42min 00sec) ‘the myth of asymptomatic transmission was known early on’ … ‘lockdowns were bogus…multiple studies’ … ‘age-graduated mortality’ … ‘lie after lie…’ ‘This wasn’t a conspiracy because it was collusion out in the open. All this information was in the public domain. All the information Dr. David Martin presented was in the public domain. But nobody in the media was looking.’ (c. 45min 00sec) … | (c. 52min 00sec) Prof. Ciro Isidoro, Prof. of Pathology from Italy | (Additional notes on the International COVID Summit III below.)
  • International COVID Summit III – part 2 – European Parliament, Brussels” by Cristian Terhes [via YouTube], 9 MAY 2023. NOTES: Introductory remarks. … | Croatian language speaker. | C. Anderson. [TW] ‘They want to impose a totalitarian system on the whole world.’ … (c. 20min 00sec) Powerful anti-totalitarian speech. … (c. 28min 29sec) End of Ms. C. Anderson’s speech. She received a standing ovation. | (c. 28min 30sec) silent videostream. | (c. 30min 33sec) “Giuseppe Tritto, Global Biomedical Expert” … ‘fertility and COVID-19’ … (c. 31min 18sec) … ‘harm to human testicles and sperm fertility…’ … (c. 38min 45sec) … ‘the Human Rights Charter on the Protection of the Integrity of the Human Genome. We cannot escape from that because when we enter in human reproduction, where we need to discuss how it can impact on the human genome, with this transfecting agent, this genomic activity. (c. 39min 40sec) So, our proposal—and we’ll finish with that—for the conclusion is whether or not to(?) create an international consensus conference on human fertility and reproduction after this long campaign for COVID, this campaign for vaccines. And this can be promoted by the European Parliament because this is a very important issue on the fertility of the population for the future. [cf. Children of Men; Handmaid’s Tale; and other such dystopian films about infertility crises on Earth, not to mention decades-long research by Dr. Shanna Swan, et al into the worsening global fertility crisis underway even before this horrible news about the COVID-19 injectable drug products causing reproductive harm.] When announced(?) in September 27, 28, the World humanity and Health Forum—I put humanity because our role as medical doctors is to protect the humanity of people, the life of people—this is the great message. (c. 40min 27sec) | (Additional notes on the International COVID Summit III below)

@LumpenProles, last modified/edited/updated on 21 MAY 2023 at 08:08 PDT.


[Ideally, your author would have included links to all programs listed below. Programs listed without an embedded link or listener notes are based on past scheduling and have not yet been verified. Please check relevant websites for actual programming. / Notes will be modified/edited/updated as time and labor constraints allow.  Working class solidarity. ✊🏽✊🏼✊🏿✊]

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

*The opinions expressed by the hosts, guests, journalists, authors, and other speakers in today’s sampling of news and information are not necessarily the views of Lumpenproletariat.

The free speech Pacifica Radio Network, perhaps the world’s oldest listener-sponsored, definitely the world’s first and only listener-owned radio network, includes KPFA (the first Pacifica Radio station; Berkeley, CA), WBAI (NYC), KPFK (Los Angeles), WPFW (D.C.), and KPFT (Houston), and has many other affiliate stations. The U.S. government, having undergone a corporate coup d’état in slow motion (if not a military coup on 22 NOV 1963), and being inimical to the Bill of Rights, is opposed to free speech radio. After the 1999 KPFA Lockouts, listeners won democratic governance of the Pacifica Radio Network. Unfortunately, since then, a liberal (i.e., pro-capitalist or non-anti-capitalist) faction, including KPFA news bosses (Aileen Alfandary, Mark Mericle, et al.), have colluded to undermine democratic governance and to NPR-ize Pacifica Radio. Free speech Pacifica Radio is your radio network, built to broadcast news and information, which the establishment tries to distort or hide from you. We cannot hope for a democratic society without an informed citizenry. Please support free speech Pacifica Radio.  Become a member with full voting rights for as little as $25 per year.  Then, hold your Pacifica Radio stations accountable and keep Pacifica Radio true to the Pacifica Mission Statement.  Then, help expand free speech radio and digital media. Most media/press is state-corporate propaganda. The airwaves belong to the people. Don’t let Democrat partisans colonize free speech radio. Don’t let Democrat partisans keep the working-class imaginary confined within the false left-right paradigm, within the false opposition party that is the Democrat Party, within the corporate two-party dictatorship.  The working-class needs institutional power to build political power, not just cultural awareness or cultural celebration, not just “identity politics”, which are mostly cultural, not political, concerns.  Political education is as necessary for working-class liberation, as it is central to the Pacifica Mission Statement.  Unfortunately, the Democrat Party, the two-party system, the establishment is dumbing down America.  And this process of depoliticization and demobilization is being advanced within Pacifica Radio by certain people, apparently connected to the Democrat Party and/or the U.S. government.  Please support free speech Pacifica Radio; then, hold it accountable to its Mission Statement.  Oust the sophists.  Lift up the truth-seekers.  This daily column is dedicated to the Pacifica Mission Statement, dedicated to exposing sophistry and deception, dedicated to the liberation of the working-class through communication, dia logos, encouraging mindful action within and between wisdom-cultivating communities.  As Einstein suggested, like Socrates before him, the important thing is to not stop questioning.

04:00 PST / 06:00 CST, KPFT [Houston, TX] > Flashpoints

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

04:00 PST / 06:00 CST, KPFT > The Thom Hartmann Program

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: Thom Hartmann appears to come out of the 1960s SDS generation of antiwar activists. That fact makes his Democrat Party apologist tendencies all the more disappointing.

04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT, WBAI [NYC] > What’s Going On? Labor Monday with Bob Hennelly (pre-empted) > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes]

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

05:00 PST, KPFA [Berkeley, CA] > Background Briefing with Ian Masters

QUOTATIONS FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: Background Briefing with Ian Masters – May 9, 2023 |

We begin with the expiration on Thursday of the Covid era Title 42 rule that allows rapid expulsion on non-Mexican migrants at the border that is expected to cause a flood of refugees which the Secretary of DHS says is the result of human traffickers misleading migrants into believing the border will be open, a concern that has the Biden administration deploying U.S. troops at the border. We discuss the result of not having an immigration policy, a vacuum that has existed since the Reagan administration that has fueled political demagoguery making bipartisan solutions impossible as well as the failure of efforts to deal with the root causes of the exodus of migrants from Central America and now from Cuba, Haiti and Venezuela as well. Joining us is Victoria Sanford, a John Simon Guggenheim Fellow and Professor of Anthropology at City University of New York. She has given expert testimony on the Guatemalan genocide in international courts and authored seven books, including Buried Secrets: Truth and Human Rights in Guatemala. Her latest book, out tomorrow, is Textures of Terror: The Murder of Claudina Isabel Velasquez and Her Father’s Quest for Justice.

Then with President Biden meeting tomorrow with House and Senate leaders to avoid a catastrophic default on the US debt which Republicans are using as leverage to extract budget cuts, we will examine what counter-leverage Biden has with a workaround in his pocket based on the 14th Amendment. Joining us is Garrett Epps, a legal affairs editor of the Washington Monthly who has taught constitutional law at American University, the University of Baltimore, Boston College, Duke University, and the University of Oregon. He is the author of American Epic: Reading the U.S. Constitution, and we discuss his latest article at The Washington Monthly, “I’ve Argued for Years That the President Must Pay the National Debt Even If Congress Won’t Raise the Debt Ceiling.”

Then finally we assess the possibility that the Pentagon, using the popular Artificial Intelligence chatbot ChatGPT, is already weaponizing AI tech and speak with Sam Biddle, a reporter at The Intercept focusing on malfeasance and misused power in technology. He previously worked at Gizmodo and Gawker covering stories ranging from vast corporate data breaches and celebrity hackers to trafficked webcam models and Facebook privacy. As the editor of Valleywag, he provided a critical view of the startup economy and Silicon Valley culture. We discuss his latest article at The Intercept, “Can the Pentagon Use CHATGPT? OpenAI Won’t Answer.”

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: Without having listened to this program yet, simply from reading the program synopsis, as well as remembering past impressions of listening to Ian Masters over the years, this program already smacks of the liberal bias, which Dr. Noam Chomsky has warned about in his propaganda model. The constrained discourse of liberal bias will only go but so far. For example, the phony debt ceiling crisis is presented by Ian Masters as a looming “catastrophic default on the US debt”. Yet, critical observers are well aware of the fact that the so-called debt ceiling issue is purely political theater, as evidenced by the fact that the debt ceiling has simply been raised every time this issue has come up in the past, approximately 87 times. Your scribe first became aware of this after hearing Dr. Richard Wolff describe the debt ceiling issue as political theater on Democracy Now! circa 2008. Later, your scribe studied macroeconomics under Prof. L. Randall Wray and Prof. Stephanie Kelton, who have irrefutably explained to the world that the USA can never default on debts denominated in its own currency. See modern monetary theory (MMT) scholars for more details. Prof. Jack Rasmus and other economists similarly explain these facts. | Ian Masters used to be on KPFK. At one point, he was outspoken about some of the problems going on behind the scenes with the KPFA bosses and the Pacifica Radio Network governance structure. We’ll see if he’s a stand-up guy, or merely another tool of the liberal (i.e., pro-capitalist or non-anticapitalist) faction at the Pacifica Radio Network, which blocks grassroots activist voices.

07:00 CDT / 08:00 EDT, KPFT & WPFW [D.C.] [simulcast] > Democracy Now!

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: This show used to be a hard-hitting, adversarial newscast. Now, it’s mostly sellout entertainment with a liberal bias. [ 1 ]

06:00 PST, KPFA > Democracy Now!


On Today’s Show:

  • Phyllis Bennis on Ukraine War & Why a Ceasefire Is the First Step Toward Lasting Peace
  • Israel Kills 13, Including Women & Children, in Airstrikes Targeting Militant Leaders in Gaza
  • Sudan: Residents Trapped Between Warring Rival Factions as Humanitarian Crisis Escalates
  • Justice for Jordan Neely: Friend Remembers Dancer as “Gentleman” as Calls Grow for Killer’s Arrest

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: [also see comments above for earlier broadcast of this same daily episode]

06:00 PDT / 09:00 EDT, WBAI > Law and Disorder [pre-empted?] > Law of the Land with Gloria J. Browne-Marshall (pre-empted; see above: 04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT, WBAI [NYC] > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes] )

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: Gloria J. Browne-Marshall seems to have a great deal of integrity and honesty in her broadcasts.

07:00 PST / 10:00 EST, WBAI > Project Censored (pre-empted? cancelled?) > Clearing the FOG (Forces of Greed) (pre-empted; see above: 04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT WBAI [NYC] > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes])

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: This program, Project Censored with Mickey Huff, is one of the best (i.e., honest, hard-hitting description and solution/prescription-orientated) programs on the free speech Pacifica Radio Network, or anywhere, for that matter.

07:00 PST, KPFA > UpFront

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: 0:08 — John Perlin, is a visiting scholar at the UC Santa Barbara Physics Department. His latest book is A Forest Journey: The Role of Trees in the Fate of Civilization.

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: UpFront is among the worst Machiavellian perception management radio programs one can find, which will never inform the working class, which is oppressed by the power elite, nor help them connect the dots between issues to help the public see the larger truths to be able to learn from past experience. [ 2 ]

08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT, PRN.Live > Project Censored with Mickey Huff

NOTES:  [scribe missed this livestream; as of 20 MAY 2023, PRN.Live has not archived this program. ProjectCensored.org archive pending.] 

COMMENTS: This program, Project Censored with Mickey Huff, is one of the best (i.e., honest, hard-hitting description and solution/prescription-orientated) programs on the free speech Progressive Radio Network, or anywhere, for that matter.

08:00 PST, KPFA > Law & Disorder with Cat Brooks

QUOTATIONS FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party w/ Ericka Huggins – Fund Drive Special | We spend this hour with legendary former political prisoner and civil rights icon, famed for her leadership and education work with the Black Panther Party – Ericka Huggins. We’ll discuss her history with the Party, the assassination of her husband and child’s father, and how that led her to continue her political work while raising her child – including a portion of time when she was wrongly incarcerated.

FUND DRIVE SPECIAL – Pledge $350 and receive a copy of the latest book from Ericka Huggins along with Stephen Shames: Comrade Sisters: Women of the Black Panther Party. “This stunning collection of historical photographs, complimented by contemporary conversations with women members of the Black Panther Party, reminds us that women were literally the heart of this new political approach to Black freedom.” That’s from the book’s forward by Angela Davis.

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT, WPFW > Community Watch & Comment – Tuesday (pre-empted) > PRA National Broadcast and Fundraiser

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

09:00 PDT / 12:00 EDT, WBAI & PRN.Live > The Gary Null Show

WBAI BROADCAST (pre-empted; see above: 04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT WBAI [NYC] > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes])


Blackcurrant extract triggers same process as statin drugs
The hepatoprotective, anti-hyperglycemic, and anti-diabetic properties of spirulina
Indoor pollution: 2 in 3 adults don’t realize how unhealthy the air inside their home could be
Sedentary lifestyle associated with coronary artery calcium, researchers find
Walnuts may crack Alzheimer’s
The ability to chew properly may improve blood sugar levels in patients with type 2 diabetes

Gary Null Show Clips

Fat Activists Are Dying | Health at Every size Proven Wrong Again (12:12)

‘Sooner Or Later You’ve Got To Pay The Piper’: Scott Rips Dems On ‘Out Of Control Reckless Spending’  (5:29)

False virtue agenda vehicles. (1:42)

Excess deaths in UK rise (1:00)

NOTES (re: The Gary Null Show for Tuesday, 9 MAY 2023 at 09:00 PDT, PRN.Live livestream):  Health & Healing Information, including a study on health benefits of black currant; a University of Western Brittany in France study on spirulina (a single-celled algae) benefits for people with pre-diabetes and diabetes (cf. chlorella); Dyson Research UK study on indoor pollution (e.g., candles, pet hair, etc.); benefits of walnuts against Alzheimers disease (Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease) due to fistein(sp?); and more.  |  (09:15 PDT) music break:  “Wild Thing” by The Troggs |  (09:16 PDT)  Dr. Null is asking for call-ins, including about Dr. Kay Lindley(sp?) regarding ‘our freedom, our birthright’ being ‘usurped’ including by World Health Organization pandemic treaty.  |  (09:17 PDT) audio clip, sounds like Neil Oliver interviewing Dr. Kat Lindley(sp?)…European presentation on pandemic treaty and the International Health amendments… [TW]   |  video clip of black-sounding, female-sounding person speaking out against black people robbing and trashing ‘the big Walmart’ on 83rd(?), which served low-income neighborhoods but is now being closed down for good.  It closed after prior problems, then re-opened for about two years. But is now closing for good.  |  Dr. Null asked for call-ins, then went into a long monologue about gangs from Latin America and other gangs and poverty and philanthropy.  [However, Dr. Null, prior to the post-COVID controlled demolition of the national and global economy, philanthropy was bigger than today.  Yet, philanthropic endeavors still led us to this point.  The solution is political, not cultural.  What is needed is revolutionary change, not mere reform, much less philanthropy, which does nothing to make political changes to the causes of poverty and iniquity.]  …  |  (09:52 PDT)  ‘Jeremiah from Harlem’ was motivated to call because of ‘how we behave as a society…’ … ‘big military, big pharma’, etc but what about the fact that ‘people don’t know how to behave?  That’s not the fault of some banker…maybe it is on an abstract level…’  [Yes, Jeremiah, the material conditions are the result of the super structure, or socioeconomic and political factors, by and large…]  … (09:56 PDT) [Your scribe called in, but no more calls were being taken…]  …  (10:04 PDT)  Dr. Null asked Jeremiah from Harlem, ‘Does that make sense, Jeremiah? Oh, it dropped off…’  [Evidently, Dr. Null lost track of time…’]  ‘Tonight, Randy Credico [on The Progressive Commentary Hour]…’  |  Outro music:  “Oh Girl” by The Chi-Lites. (10:06 PDT) … |  (10:07 PDT) transition to classic jazz music “April In Paris” by Charlie Parker

COMMENTS: This program, The Gary Null Show, is one of the most honest, compassionate, and hard-hitting shows on Pacifica Radio, or anywhere for that matter. Your author doesn’t agree with everything Dr. Null says. But, when it comes to health and healing information, Dr. Null is one of the most important voices around today.  This program is easily as important, as the best of them: Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein; Project Censored with Mickey Huff; On The Ground: Voices of Resistance From the Nation’s Capitol with Esther Iverem ; Covid, Race & Democracy with Steve Zeltzer and the Pacifica COVID Taskforce, Guns and Butter with Bonnie Faulkner, et al.

09:00 PST, KPFA > Democracy Now!


On Today’s Show:

  • Phyllis Bennis on Ukraine War & Why a Ceasefire Is the First Step Toward Lasting Peace
  • Israel Kills 13, Including Women & Children, in Airstrikes Targeting Militant Leaders in Gaza
  • Sudan: Residents Trapped Between Warring Rival Factions as Humanitarian Crisis Escalates
  • Justice for Jordan Neely: Friend Remembers Dancer as “Gentleman” as Calls Grow for Killer’s Arrest

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: [see comments above for 06:00 broadcast]

10:00 PST / 13:00 EST, PRN.Live > Leid Stories with Utrice Leid

NOTES: Late start due to The Gary Null Show going overtime. (10:07 PDT) Transition to classic jazz music “April In Paris” by Charlie Parker.  | Utrice Leid continues discussion from yesterday, asking for “Brother David from Brooklyn(?)” to please call in and continue his remarks from yesterday…about “our political identities” and ‘how we’re relating that to the 2024 presidential election and the trending topic about Biden possibly not being old enough to run…’  ‘Brother David pointed out that neither of the two major political parties represent the people’  … (10:11 PDT)  ‘What is your political identity? …  What about the other choices?’  |  (10:12 PDT) 1. ‘Brother David’ is the first caller. … (10:33 PDT) Utrice Leid:  ‘Many of the alternative parties don’t seem very exercised in getting into [i.e., reaching out to] the disaffected communities.  The parties, who could make some inroads, don’t seem to be very aggressive about it.’ … (10:39 PDT)  Utrice Leid:  ‘Brother David, you used to be an educator, who taught pilots.’  ‘I taught hundreds of them…’  [Your scribe called in, and was on hold for a while…  Eventually, board operator Kyle reiterated to me what Utrice said on-air, that the whole hour would be devoted to Brother David elaborating his description.  So, no other call-ins would be taken today.  Of course, Brother David has no praxis.  That is what I would have narrowed my question down to:  Brother David, what is your praxis?  We understand and agree with most of your description of the problem.  But what is the prescription?  What are we to do about the problem?]  …  (10:48 PDT)  [Utrice Leid seemed to be asking the same question as before.  But it was only a glitch of the livestream.  When one gets off the phone call, one is placed back to the point in the livestream where one was previously, before calling in to PRN or getting on a phone call…  Refreshed livestream.]  (10:49 PDT)  Brother David is saying, basically, the same thing again.  Brother David provides a good description.  But he has no prescription for action.  …  (10:50 PDT)  Utrice Leid:  ‘…if he is re-elected, do you expect him to continue being a servant of the ruling class?’  Brother David:  “Absolutely…  There is no way the ruling class will allow anybody in the presidency who doesn’t serve their interests.  And that includes Obama…’  (10:51 PDT)  Utrice Leid:  ‘Do you see any scenario in which an alternative can come in that pays attention to the people…?’  Brother David:  ‘I doubt that very much…that would be a miracle.  …when Obama was running, I’m sure he was vetted very well.  …a rebellion…Roosevelt administration…as long as there’s no rebellion, they’re going to keep everything in check…Everything is around one thing: profit for the 1%…’  (10:53 PDT)  Utrice Leid:  ‘Do you see any political groups emerging that are cognizant of what you’re saying today and emerging as a potential rival to the status quo?’  (10:54 PDT)  Brother David: ‘There’s small groups…but it’s very difficult…the 1% will try to destroy it, like the Black Panthers…I won’t say it’s not possible…but the secret police, like the FBI and the CIA…they are always watching out for people with those kinds of thoughts…So, if they see anything, they may throw out a couple of bones [i.e., placate the masses with a few minimal and temporary concessions] or lock up a few dissidents…But nobody’s gonna give up anything like that…If you can have a society with billionaires and so on, they’re not gonna give that up.  They’re going to do what they can to prevent dissidents…’  Utrice Leid:  ‘I thank you for your participation because this was spontaneous…This was not pre-planned…So, tomorrow, the thrust will be people asking you questions.’  Brother David:  “Okay.”  ‘Thank you…’  (10:58 PDT)  End of the program.  |  Outro music:  sounds like the same Charlie Parker tune from the intro.  | Unfortunately, Leid Stories is not archived consistently at PRN.Live. Perhaps, you can volunteer and help with archiving. In the meantime, please search PRN’s archives for past editions of this excellent and important free speech radio program, Leid Stories.

9 MAY 2023, NOTES (in anticipation of your scribe’s call-in, waiting on hold to get on the program):

I agree with Brother David’s description.  And I’m glad you asked him to suggest a way out…  Brother David suggested people ought not to accept the lesser of two evils.  And you also asked him what he says to people, who decide to opt out of electoral politics.  Brother David said, we can’t just drop out and do nothing.  He said, we have to exercise our rights and do something.  But he wasn’t very clear about what we should do.

  • Utrice said:  (10:33 PDT)  ‘Many of the alternative parties don’t seem very exercised in getting into the disaffected communities.  The parties, who could make some inroads, don’t seem to be very aggressive about it.
    • Yes, the opposition is very demoralized and seemingly defeated, as Jeremiah from Harlem has articulated on several occasions, when he said that the left, or people of good will, as he put it, have been defeated.  Jeremiah from Harlem also said that we must join in affinity groups.  That’s true because we must always form groups, we can get much farther in groups, especially because this is an intergenerational struggle.The left is quite confused and unclear.  For example, the most honest radio personalities do not have much of a political analysis.  You allow honest political discourse, Utrice.  But my other favorite radio or livestream personalities do not afford political discourse, including The Gary Null Show, Project Censored with Mickey Huff, and Flashpoints with Dennis Bernstein.  Political issues might be discussed, but political parties and candidates and politicians rarely seem to be critiqued in much detail, only broadly and generally.
    • Americans have a stunted political spectrum.  The corporate media has done a number of…

COMMENTS: This program, Leid Stories, is dedicated to free speech, but free speech with common sense, courtesy, and focus. Listeners are invited to call in to speak freely about a particular question posed by the host, Utrice Leid. Unlike other call-in shows, like Thom Hartmann, Kris Welch, Mitch Jeserich, and many others on free speech Pacifica Radio, callers aren’t screened or filtered, dissonant voices aren’t cut short, or otherwise handled to control the narrative. Instead, the host, Utrice Leid, helps callers make their point, as long as it’s a cogent argument. Utrice Leid encourages critical thinking. On Fridays, the discussion theme is “Free Your Mind Fridays”, where listeners are invited to call in to articulate an opinion on any topic they wish. KPFA listeners deserve a radio host, like Utrice Leid, during weekdays, instead of partisan hosts, such as Kris Welch, who perpetuate phony establishment narratives, and stifle call-ins. | Leid Stories is one of the most honest, hard-hitting, yet compassionate, programs on the free speech Progressive Radio Network, or anywhere for that matter. This program is easily as important, as the best of them:  Project Censored; Flashpoints; The Gary Null Show; On The Ground: Voices of Resistance From the Nation’s Capitol; Guns and Butter; Clearing the FOG; Covid, Race & Democracy; et al.

International COVID Summit III – part 1 – European Parliament, Brussels” by Christian Tehres [via YouTube], 9 MAY 2023.

NOTES:  The first annual International COVID Summit took place in 2021. Of course, the second took place in 2022. This video is one of two videos published by Cristian Terheş, a member of the European Parliament, documenting the 2023 International COVID Summit III. Cristian Terheş’ two videos of the 2023 International COVID Summit add up to approximately eight hours of video. The International COVID Summit also has a YouTube channel, which has published various videos, including one long video of the entire 2023 event, which is approximately 8.5 hours in length. As of 21 MAY 2023, videos are being added in different languages of various presentations. The majority of the original presentations were in the English language. | (c. 0min 01sec) Opening remarks by S. Malthouse, a North-American-sounding man in a dark suit speaking in the English language. He welcomed the first two speakers of the day, but didn’t identify them. | At this point, eight people appear to be seated on the panel before an international audience in the room. Headphones are available for attendees with translations into seven languages. | (c. 0min 22sec) Mr. Cristian Terheş [teer-hesh] offers a few opening remarks. “Thank you so much for being here. I’m Cristian Terheş, along with my colleague Ivan Sinčić [sin-cheech] and some other colleagues right here in the front row. We are welcoming all of you in the European Parliament. Thank you so much for being here. And thank you for fighting, I would say, for the same cause all over the world. In October of 2021, when we started the first press conference in Strasbourg, where we tried to defend, first of all, our right as MEPs [i.e., Members of the European Parliament] to enter this building without a green certificate and the rights of all workers helping us right now, translating and doing all the technical work, to be able to enter and do their job without being conditioned [sic] of a green certificate [cf. immunity certificate; yellow card/carte jaune; health pass, “You papers, please“; “Show me your papers”; etc.]. We haven’t [sic] realized at that time the gravity and seriousness of everything, that was happening around the world. Initially, for us it was a matter of principles. We were elected by the people, for the people. We should have been allowed to enter the building, to perform what we were elected for.  …  | [T]   Dr. David Martin. [TW]  … (c. 22min 00sec)  ‘they knew vaccines wouldn’t work because viruses mutate so quickly..’ [Yes, we knew this…]  |  “N. Hudson” from UK(?) on the statistics, which show the SARS-CoV-2 virus ‘never posed a serious threat’ … ‘the term novel coronavirus was misused…’   [TW] (c. 42min 00sec)  ‘the myth of asymptomatic transmission was known early on’  …  ‘lockdowns were bogus…multiple studies’  …  ‘age-graduated mortality’  …  ‘lie after lie…’  ‘This wasn’t a conspiracy because it was collusion out in the open.  All this information was in the public domain.  All the information Dr. David Martin presented was in the public domain.  But nobody in the media was looking.’  (c. 45min 00sec) …  |  (c. 52min 00sec)  Prof. Ciro Isidoro, Prof. of Pathology from Italy. … | (c. 2hrs 21min 39sec) “We are living the George Orwell [1984] story right now.” | Dr. Pierre Kory [TW] … | (c. 2hrs 43min 17sec) J. Christoff: ‘… My presentation today is Media Over Medicine. … citing The Rape of the Mind by Joost, also Edward Bernays [TW] … | B. Bridle from Canada. [TW] debunking the notion of asymptomatic transmission, especially the unwarranted fearmongering and restrictions with regard to COVID-19. Also, on the facts about the PCR test and how the cycle thresholds work. Also, on how the definitions of immunity and vaccines were wrongly changed. … (c. 3hrs 17min 15sec) End of Bridle’s presentation. | (c. 3hrs 17min 22sec) Prof. Harvey A. Risch, Ph.D., M.D. from the USA. Professor Emeritus of Epidemiology; Yale School of Public Health; Chief Medical Board Advisor, Tye Wellness Company. ‘…I’m skipping ahead to the Omicron variants…you can see over time the efficacy goes down to near zero and innsome cases below zero…’ [TW] … (c. 3hrs 25min 42sec) ‘… these absurd claims about vaccine efficacy, when they’ve used the wrong methods, that are fatally flawed. And this, to me, is one of the most egregious factors as to why I don’t believe the CDC for anything. We know it’s a corrupted agency, as the FDA has been.’

“International COVID Summit III – part 2 – European Parliament, Brussels” by Christian Terhes [via YouTube], 9 MAY 2023.  

NOTES:  [L177] Introductory remarks.  …  |  Croatian language speaker. |  C. Anderson. [TW]  ‘They want to impose a totalitarian system on the whole world.’ … (c. 20min 00sec)  Powerful anti-totalitarian speech.  … (c. 28min 29sec) End of Ms. C. Anderson’s speech.  She received a standing ovation.  |  (c. 28min 30sec)  silent videostream. | (c. 30min 33sec)  “Giuseppe Tritto, Global Biomedical Expert” … ‘fertility and COVID-19’ … (c. 31min 18sec)  …  ‘harm to human testicles and sperm fertility…’  …  (c. 38min 45sec)  … ‘the Human Rights Charter on the Protection of the Integrity of the Human Genome.  We cannot escape from that because when we enter in human reproduction, where we need to discuss how it can impact on the human genome, with this transfecting(sp?) agent, this genomic activity.  (c. 39min 40sec)  So, our proposal—and we’ll finish with that—for the conclusion is whether or not to(?) create an international consensus conference on human fertility and reproduction after this long campaign for COVID, this campaign for vaccines.  And this can be promoted by the European Parliament because this is a very important issue on the fertility of the population for the future.  [cf. Children of Men; Handmaid’s Tale; and other such dystopian films about infertility crises on Earth, not to mention decades-long research by Dr. Shanna Swan, et al into the worsening global fertility crisis underway even before this horrible news about the COVID-19 injectable drug products causing reproductive harm.]  When announced(?) in September 27, 28, the World(?) humanity and Health Forum—I put humanity because our role as medical doctors is to protect the humanity of people, the life of people—this is the great message.  (c. 40min 27sec) … | Ms. R. Chifari … (c. 2hrs 17min 00sec) ‘[We have an] urgent need for the governments to reconsider the blind policy that assumes that repeated vaccine boosters are a varied approach dealing with COVID-19. This is a really, really euphemistic statement because of what you’ve heard recently, before from my colleagues, and next, what you will listen. We can affirm that the COVID vaccines, of course, we know these are not vaccines. But it is a bioweapon. They are. Yes, I said bioweapon. And it is a crime against humanity. And it will have to stop this.” [applause] (2hrs 17min 50sec) | (c. 2hrs 18min 52sec) Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist. [TW] … ‘microRNA are carcinogenic’ … | V. Pavan, speaker from France, speaking in the English on the topic of all cause mortality. | (c. 2hrs 47min 45sec) Theo Schetters, Vaccine Development Consultant from Netherlands speaking in the English on the topic of all-cause mortality. | (c. 2hrs 58min 15sec) H. Seligmann speaking in the English speaking on known problems, which were ignored, including increased mortality, shedding, and other safety signals. … (c. 3hrs 02min 20sec) ‘This [i.e., the safety signal is enough to stop these injections. The is the principle of precaution. The burden of proof [of safety] is on those, who want to inject others [not on the people, who are refuting to be injected involuntarily]. And that is where we stand. [applause] So, why did we continue [to inject people, despite the safety signals]? In my view, there has been a multi-decennial propagandizing and educating to self-hate and to self-destruction of the populations, something related to [a] depopulation agenda, which to me is tantamount to talking about a lebensraum ideology. (c. 3hrs 03min 00sec) On all-cause mortality. … ‘the same as the VAERS data…’ [TW] … | (3hrs 09min 25sec) Dr. Jessica Rose, Researcher, Statistician from Canada. [TW] [Dr. Rose co-authored an important study on the VAERS data showing major myocarditis problems and safety signals, which was censored after passing the peer-review process and aftwr being published in a journal and being canonized in PubMed, and censored without reason, without cause.] … ‘There was no reason to give these injections to kids and kids died from these injections…’ | (c. 3hrs 19min 50sec) Maria Gutschi, pharmacotherapuetic specialist from Canada. ‘These drugs must be regulated as gene therapy drug products. Without this type of regulation, we could be seeing another type of pandemic.’ [TW] … | (3hrs 31min 50sec) Christian Peronne, Prof. of Inf. and Trop. Diseases from France(?) on false-positive test results due to misuse of PCR tests and more. ‘This was a political pandemic and a pandemic of fear…’ [TW] … | A. Umlil speaking in the French on medical liberty and more. [TW]  |  3 51 37  Renata Holzeisen, an Italian lawyer and a member of Children’s Health Defense, Europe [TW] … | Dr. Meryl Nass  [TW] Nass:  [TW]  On the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty and changes to the IHRs (International Health Regulations).  “We are undergoing a soft coup.” … ‘Fauci and Daszak’  |  4 30 35 Dr. Cat Lentley(sp?), a Croatian-born and American-trained family physician on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty.  [TW]  … ‘…Ministry of Truth.’  … ‘…giving WHO the right to intervene anywhere at any time.’ … | Dr. Robert Malone

BOOK STUDY NOTES > Dallas ’63: The First Deep State Revolt Against the White House by Peter Dale Scott

NOTES:  Foreword by Mark Crispin Miller. |  preface. …  |  “Chapter 3 of 13”  [Introduction by Peter Dale Scott] … ‘There’s a clash within the deep state between northern banker types and the cowboy types’  … (c. 16min 15sec)  ‘the tension between the overt power state and the covert power deep state led to three deep politics structural events, which stopped three presidential attempts to rein in the covert power of the CIA and, by extension, the US deep state:  the 1963 Dallas assassination of JFK, Watergate, and the October Surprise of 1980.’   |  ‘Chapter 4 of 13’  [“2. The CIA, the Mafia, and Oswald in Mexico”  “Overview: The Mexican-CIA-Mob Nexus” ]   … |  (15:00 PDT)  ‘Chapter 5 of 13’ [L19]

10:00 PST, KPFA > Letters and Politics

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: Fund Drive Special – Ancient Rome: From Republic to Empire Series (Part 1)

Guest: Edward J. Watts holds the Alkiviadis Vassiliadis endowed Chair and is professor of history at the University of California, San Diego. The author and editor of several prize-winning books, including Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell into Tyranny.

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: This program suffers from the same “liberal bias”, as UpFront, Democracy Now!, Letters and Politics, Lopate at Large, Talkies, et al.

10:00 PST / 13:00 EST, WBAI > Leonard Lopate at Large (pre-empted; see above: 04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT WBAI [NYC] > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes])

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: This program, Leonard Lopate at Large, suffers from the same “liberal bias”, as UpFront, Democracy Now!, Letters and Politics, Rising Up, Talkies, et al.

11:00 PDT / 14:00 EDT, WPFW > Covid, Race & Democracy (pre-empted) > PRA National Broadcast and Fundraiser

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

11:00 PST, KPFA > Talkies with Kris Welch (re-scheduled) > Thom Hartmann Program

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: “The Thom Hartmann Radio & TV Program covers US politics and political news commentary, science, culture, and economics.”

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: This program, Talkies, suffers from what Dr. Noam Chomsky described circa 1991 as “the liberal bias”. Kris Welch is a stalwart defender of Democrat Party reformism. But, of course, the defense is done with subtlety and nuance. Uncritical listeners might even project their own views on to her liberal rhetoric and see what they want to see. But, make no mistake, Kris Welch is a staunch Democrat, a Wellstone Democrat to be precise. The Democrat Party will always be a corrupt, corporate party. Yet, some Democrat reformists never stop with their false left-right paradigm, operating from an underlying assumption or from the presupposition that the Democrat Party is a sincere opposition party to the racist, anti-working class Republican Party. Over time, a pattern of Democrat Party apologia emerges. This seems implausible as an ideological stance. Such apologia can only be explained as the product of incorrigible ideologues or shills on some payroll.

12:00 PST, KPFA > Against the Grain

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: Fund Drive Special: On Consciousness | In the award-winning film “Aware,” six thinkers weigh in on the nature of consciousness.

NOTES:  Your scribe hasn’t listened to this specific broadcast yet. But he has heard past programs, which have featured this documentary. Your scribe gives this documentary a thumbs down. A much better resource than this escapist rubbish is the excellent freely available YouTube video lecture series, Awakening From the Meaning Crisis by Prof. John Vervaeke (University of Toronto). Prof. Vervaeke is a cognitive scientist and philosopher. Here’s a quote from his introductory remarks to his 50-part lecture series: “We are in the midst of a mental health crisis. There are increases in anxiety disorders, depression, despair, and suicide rates are going up in North America, parts of Europe, and other parts of the world. This mental health crisis is itself due to and engaged with crises in the environment and the political system, those in turn are enmeshed within a deeper cultural historical crisis that I call “The Meaning Crisis”. It’s more and more pervasive throughout our lives. And there’s a sense of drowning in this old ocean of bullshit. And we have to understand, why is this the case? And what can we do about it?

“Today, there is an increase of people feeling very disconnected from themselves, from each other from the world from a viable and foreseeable future. Let’s discuss this, let’s work on it together, let’s rationally reflect on it. Getting out of this problem is going to be tremendously difficult. It’s going to require significant transformations in our cognition, our culture, our communities. And in order to move forward in such a difficult manner, we have to reach more deeply into our past to salvage the resources we can for such an amazing challenge. I’ll be talking about a lot of people who have spoken in ways that will provide us the resources we need. We’ll talk about ancient figures like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, Jesus of Nazareth, Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, but we’ll also talk about modern pivotal figures. We’ll talk about people like Carl Jung, we’ll talk about Nietzsche. We’ll talk about Heidegger.

“I want to bring all of this together in a coherent and clear fashion, so that together we can discover how to awaken from The Meaning Crisis.”

12:00 PDT / 15:00 EDT, WBAI > Vantage Point (pre-empted; see above: 04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT WBAI [NYC] > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes])

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

13:00 PDT / 16:00 EDT, WPFW (D.C.) > Black Agenda Report Radio with Margaret Kimberley (pre-empted) > PRA National Broadcast and Fundraiser

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: Black Agenda Report Radio is definitely one of the best programs on the free speech Pacifica Radio Network, or anywhere for that matter. We miss Glen Ford and Bruce Dixon, former hosts; but Margaret Kimberley is holding it down… Also check out their website, Black Agenda Report.

13:00 PDT / 16:00 EDT, WBAI > Covid, Race & Democracy with PNB Covid Taskforce (pre-empted; see above: 04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT WBAI [NYC] > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes])

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: Covid, Race & Democracy is a good show. But… [ 3 ]

13:00 PST / 15:00 CST, KPFT > Hard Knock Radio

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

13:00 PST, KPFA > The Herbal Highway

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: Element: Earth – May 9, 2023 Join Sarah Holmes for the first part of our four part elemental series. In today’s episode Sarah explores life, medicine and healing through the lens of earth. Fund drive.

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @theherbalhighway.

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: This program, The Herbal Highway, deserves your attention, dear reader, if you care about health and healing. Your author has learned a lot from this program over the years, even though he hasn’t always acted on those lessons.

14:00 PDT, KPFA > About Health (pre-empted? re-scheduled? cancelled?) > Cover to Cover

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: “A celebration of the art of poetry and prose with Jack Foley, Nina Serrano, Jovelyn Richards and Jennifer Stone”

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

15:00 PDT, KPFK [Los Angeles, CA] > News Views with Garland Nixon

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: Garland Nixon usually provides a healthy dose of common sense, from an anti-imperialist, antiwar, anti-racist perspective.

15:00 PST / 18:00 EST, WBAI > WBAI Evening News (pre-empted; see above: 04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT WBAI [NYC] > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes])

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

15:00 PST / 17:00 CST, KPFT > Code Pink Radio

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

15:00 PST, KPFA > UpFront PM

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: This is a rerun of content from the morning broadcast, which automatically makes this broadcast offensive, especially when there are so many censored, dissenting voices out there, which deserve airtime. Instead, we get duplication of the worst Machiavellian perception management, which will never inform the working class, which is oppressed by the power elite, nor help them connect the dots between issues to help the public see the larger truths to be able to learn from past experience. (See comments above for UpFront.)

15:30 PDT / 18:30 EDT, WBAI > CounterSpin (pre-empted; see above: 04:00 PDT / 07:00 EDT WBAI [NYC] > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser [archive length: 720 minutes])

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: Your author used to dig this show back in the day, when it was on KPFA. In recent years, it seems disappointing. your author is not sure if the program became less hard-hitting, or if his perception is less susceptible than it used to be to “the liberal bias”, deceptions, and wishful thinking. Maybe it’s a combination of all of those elements.

16:00 PDT / 19:00 EDT, PRN.Live > Progressive Commentary Hour with Dr. Gary Null

NOTES:  [Your scribe missed this livestream. And, as of 17 MAY 2023, PRN.Live appears to show no archive for this program.] 

16:00 PST, KPFA > Hard Knock Radio

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: “Hard Knock Radio is a drive-time Hip-Hop talk show on KPFA (94.1fm @ 4-5 pm Monday-Friday), a community radio station without corporate underwriting, hosted by Davey D and Anita Johnson.”

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

16:00 PST / 19:00 EST, WBAI > We Only Want the World with Sunsara Taylor (pre-empted) > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: This program, We Only Want the World, is dedicated to following Bob Avakian, the boss or leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party (USA). Your author doesn’t agree with everything the RCP line espouses. Sometimes, we gotta agree to disagree.

17:00 PST, KPFA > Flashpoints

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: “An award winning front-line investigative news magazine, that focuses on human, civil and workers right, issues of war and peace, Global Warming, racism and poverty, and other issues. Hosted by Dennis J. Bernstein.”

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

17:00 PST, KPFK [Los Angeles, CA] > Grayzone Radio

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: You can’t go wrong with Max Blumenthal; he is one of the best in independent, investigative journalism around today. Your author only wishes it didn’t have to compete with Flashpoints on at the same time on KPFK’s sister station in Berkeley, California, KPFA. At least listeners can listen online to the archive of either radio show they miss because they won’t want to miss either one. | Circa mid-January 2023, Max Blumenthal mentioned a new Grayzone radio show on Pacifica Radio out of LA. Then, today, 19 JAN 2023, in a livestream with Revolutionary Blackout Network, Max Blumenthal mentioned the new Grayzone radio program on Pacifica Radio will be on in L.A. and in New York. This is good news. If only KPFK didn’t have to pre-empt Flashpoints. KPFK should’ve cut Rising Up, instead. Pacifica Radio Network listeners do not need the uncritical amplification of establishment narratives of Sonali Kolhatkar and Rising Up, an apologist for the corporate Democrats.

17:00 PDT / 20:00 EDT, WBAI > Pacifica Radio Archive Fundraiser

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

18:00 PDT, KPFK > KPFK Rebel Alliance News

NOTES:  [notes pending; scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

18:00 PST, KPFA > The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

QUOTATION FROM RADIO ARCHIVE DESCRIPTION: “Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace; social, environmental and economic justice.

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: Usually, honest on basic social justice issues, but KPFA newscast bosses tend to gaslight listeners on COVID-19 (never mention VAERS data, VAERS deaths, assaults on informed consent, assaults on parental consent, no mention of litigation in India against the World Health Organization, etc.) and also gaslight listeners regarding establishment Democrat Party politics (i.e., usually engaging in Democrat Party apologia and perception management to keep people within the Democrat Party imaginary and away from the third-party politics imaginary, in the sociology sense of the term, ‘imaginary’). I.e., in other words, ‘it’s all good, just don’t question 9/11, COVID-19, nor establishment electoral politics.’ Having said all that, this is still a better nightly newscast than most. I’m hard-pressed to think of a better one, especially since the demise of Free Speech Radio News (FSRN), particularly regarding local news coverage. But that doesn’t excuse the KPFA news bosses’ intellectual dishonesty, lying by omission, and other deficiencies of journalistic integrity. WION is pretty good on global news; but there, too, one can detect the liberal bias, which Dr. Noam Chomsky has warned about since at least the 1990s.

19:00 PST, KPFA > La Raza Chronicles

PLAYLIST: “A weekly Latino affairs magazine program with a local and international focus, highlighting the social, political and cultural events affecting the Latino community.”

Quantic,Flowering Inferno,U-Roy,Alice RussellA Life Worth LivingA Life Worth LivingBELIEVE – Tru Thoughts
Paul LawlerDark Arts 1Scores: Orchestra & Choir 1De Wolfe Music Library
Frederic Jean Christian TaigornDrama UnfoldsPower And GloryDe Wolfe Music Library
Alex KhaskinMysteries of Ancient World (9)World MusicORCHARD – Boah Records
Frederic Jean Christian TaigornOut Of ReachPower And GloryDe Wolfe Music Library
Bryan AkipaSage MistSong of the AspenRED CEDAR FLUTE
Julie CooperThe Wonder Of NatureNatural LifeDe Wolfe Music Library
Calvin KeysWhat’s go’in onCalvinesque’Silverado Records
Ahmad Jamal TrioDolphin DanceAll Time JazzUMG – UMG Recordings, Inc.

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

COMMENTS: It appears this program is becoming increasingly depoliticized… | Back at San Mateo High School, recognized as one of the more “radical” students by his peers, your author was nominated to lead the school’s “La Raza” club. Your author wasn’t feelin’ it, to be the ringleader of that motley bunch. They had their own liberal ideas, not a revolutionary outlook. Your author left them to their own devices. And he was left to his own devices. Since then, outside of La Onda Bajita, and there are doubts even there, most “La Raza” types appear to be liberals (i.e., pro-capitalists or non-anti-capitalists). They have no anti-capitalist analysis, nor outlook. (As far as La Onda, your author feels it was far more subversive when El Gavilan was breathing Aztlan fire over the airwaves and El Tecolote played firme rolita after rolita, rather than having pundits speak in Spanish, yet provide liberal analysis. It’s great that there is Spanish language programming on free speech radio KPFA; but it’s disappointing that programming is liberal programming. This disappointment is akin to the election of people of color or minority groups to office, as if their identity claim as a minority group member guarantees such people will have a perspective, which is different from the status quo. More often than not, when minority group members finally gain entry into positions of power and/or influence within the establishment, minority group members reflect and maintain the status quo)

20:00 PST, KPFA > Bebop, Cubop and the Musical Truth

PLAYLIST: “Exploring a variety of textures with a cross pollination of jazz, world, and Latin influences, hosted by Avotcja.”

Average White BandStop the RainStop the RainWMG – Atlantic Records
Jackie RyanSiboneyRecuerdos de Mi MadreOpenart Productions LLC
Antonino LopesThey Don’t Care About Us (Cover)They Don’t Care About Us (Cover)Antonino Lopes
Celia CruzRitmo en el CorazonThe Absolute CollectionSony Music Latin
Calvin KeysWhat’s go’in onCalvinesque’Silverado Records
Gene HarrisLosalamitoslatinfunklovesongCapitol Rare, Volume 1Blue Note Records
Randy KleinReturn To Splendor (feat. Boris Kozlov)What’s Next?Jazzheads
Calle Loíza Jazz ProjectThere Will Never Be Another YouThere Will Never Be Another YouGoose Mountain Properties LLC
Caribbean Jazz ProjectLatin QuarterThe Caribbean Jazz ProjectUMG – Heads Up
Gilbert CastellanosBilad as SudanEspérame En El CieloZ Note Media
Henry FiolNo Te Bañes en el YumuriBaila Salsa SocialBELIEVE – Fire Music Publishing
Wayne Shorter;Wynton Marsalis;Jazz At Lincoln Center OrchestraMama “G”The Music of Wayne ShorterBlue Engine Records
Ahmad Jamal TrioDolphin DanceAll Time JazzUMG – UMG Recordings, Inc.

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

22:00 PST, KPFA > The Reggae Express

PLAYLIST: “Go with the flow reggae music mix.”

Palm Skin ProductionsRock a NoreOther TimesBELIEVE – Tru Thoughts
bob marley & the wailerstrenchtown rock – burnin & lootinsan diego 5/25/76(cdr)
stephen marleymind control (acoustic)mind control acoustictuff gong
max romeo & tribu acusticatime will tell/no woman no cryin this timesatta
sis nyajah jah way12″ jah shakajah shaka
twinkle brothersthe children crygive the sufferer a chancetwinkle
keety rootsdungeons of babylon/dub12″ black legacyblack legacy
linval thompsoneverybody needs moneyride on dreadlocksblood and fire
admiral tibetgive us opportunity12″ greensleevesgreensleeves
queen omega feat. sizzla & capletonwarningqueen omegagreen house
daweh congosocial disorderjah childrensuper vibez
horace andymind your own business12″ mobstermobster
prince hammerreggae a the best12″ kingston connexionkingston connexion
half pintone big familygreetings17 north parade
beres hammond/sugar minott/tony rebelwhere is the love/version12″ exterminatorexterminator
everton blender & tony rebelkanta combinationv/a: dancehall massive cultureheartbeat
sanchez/macka bgod a come12″ (white)(white)
culture & marcia griffithswhere is the lovev/a: dancehall attackheartbeat
richie stephens & sancheznothing better than lovev/a: dancehall attackheartbeat
sugar minottmy whole world12″ black rootsblack roots
bitty mcleanit’s running overthe taxi sessionstaxi
sly & robbie/grouchobully tacticsdubrisingtabou 1
prezident brownso a man thinkethprepare ye the wayjamani
sly & robbie/grouchofreedom ringdubrisingtabou 1

NOTES:  [scribe hasn’t listened yet] 

[ 1 ] Democracy Now! used to be a hard-hitting, adversarial newscast. Now, it’s mostly sellout entertainment with a liberal bias. I’ll never forget the day Amy Goodman interviewed former President Bill Clinton. He got his comeuppance. And we got to hear his true personality, his bullying nature. I never understood people, who interview people in positions of power, but then ask softball questions. People called it an ambush interview. Pfft. After 9/11, many of us were disappointed by the dishonesty, the lying by omission, the gaslighting. After COVID-19, it was clearer than ever that Democracy Now! (DN!) has been compromised, or has sold out. As Lewis Lapham said about reading The New York Times, ‘I still read it,’ he said, ‘But when I do I know they’re lying to me.’ The same thing goes for DN! Like the KPFA news bosses and most of the Pacifica Radio news bosses, DN! suffers from what Dr. Noam Chomsky called the “liberal bias” back in the day, when he was critiquing corporate media. Now, it also applies to most of the Pacifica Radio newscast bosses, who must make U.S. spooks proud, if they aren’t in fact on some spook payroll.

[ 2 ] UpFront is the worst Machiavellian perception management radio, which will never inform the working class, which is oppressed by the power elite, nor help them connect the dots between issues to help the public see the larger truths to be able to learn from past experience. This type of Machiavellian hides their lack of concern for the suffering of others behind a veneer of journalistic objectivity or journalistic professionalism—professionalism, the journalistic refuge of scoundrels. Liberals (i.e., pro-capitalists or non-anti-capitalists), like this host, appear to be professional amnesiacs, conveniently forgetting lessons from their own past interviews, if such lessons threaten the status quo, not to mention other common sense lessons from the broader society. There are so many examples of when listeners can remember a key piece of information, which can help an interview reach deeper conclusions or attain new insights, but the liberal host feigns ignorance or simply failed to make the connection. And listeners are given the mushroom treatment, as Nicole Sawaya used to say (former KPFA manager, described the long-standing culture behind the scenes at Pacifica Radio): ‘keep them in the dark and feed them bullshit.’ At any rate, the listeners, who listen because they care about social justice, are the losers because these liberal hosts force each conversation to start at square one. Important insights culled from interview A will never show up on interview B or C. Sure, such liberals will go into meticulous and sophisticated detail. But only when it doesn’t impact the status quo. Of course, there are exceptions at Pacifica Radio, such as Flashpoints and Guns and Butter (which was forced off the air at KPFA), but they are viewed as the black sheep by the bosses, not supported or embraced as allies. Oddly, during the first quarter of 2022, Mickey Huff was on Letters and Politics. I’ll have to relisten, if possible. It’s plausible Mickey Huff is open to collaboration and cooperation. But it’s not plausible entertainers, like Mitch Jeserich, would ever do anything with sincere educators and truth-seekers, like Mickey Huff, without an ulterior motive, such as reputational rehabilitation. Examples of established ideas and conclusions, which can help liberate the working class, but which are marginalized or ignored by such liberals, as the hosts of UpFront, Letters and Politics, Talkies, etc., include modern monetary theory, the job guarantee program, the two-party dictatorship, the fact that two-party systems are polarizing, benefits of ranked-choice voting, proportional representation, the incompatibility between democracy and capitalism, and so on. And these are not partisan issues. They’re only partisan issues, if you’re an antidemocratic partisan, a fascist, or an authoritarian. Otherwise, we all have the common sense to identify basic democratizing features of a healthy democracy. These are undisputable conclusions about a healthy democracy versus a diseased democracy, which have been accumulated after listening to voices advocating for social justice for decades. When you listen to voices for peace and justice for years and decades, it’s hard not to learn basic truths over time. Yet, somehow, some people never learn anything. They still haven’t grasped the fundamental contradictions within capitalism, for example. Only willful ignorance seems adequate to explain this. The underlying presuppositions of such liberals deny all of these realities and begin with the false left-right paradigm, in which the Democrat Party is assumed to be a sincere opposition party, when, in fact, as Chris Hedges, Ralph Nader, et al, have long admitted, we have a two-party dictatorship because America has undergone a corporate coup d’etat decades ago. But you’d never know any of this from listening to liberals, such as this particular host.

[ 3 ] Covid, Race & Democracy is a good radio program. I am acquainted with at least two contributors. Yet, regarding the COVID-19 issue, I disagree most with the contributor I know best. I disagree with the so-called Zero Covid approach because human history has proven it’s impossible for humans to ever be free of seasonal respiratory diseases such as coronaviruses or rhinoviruses. Also, the scientific consensus is clear: coronaviruses, when first introduced to a species, are more harmful, but less contagious; then, they become more contagious, but less harmful. Of course, this is what happened with Omicron. Age stratification means the older one is, the more vulnerable one is to any and all respiratory diseases. But this program has aired conflicting perspectives on COVID-19. Debates or panels with opposing perspectives could help resolve, or at least address some of the contradictions of occasionally allowing dissenting views, such as the Great Barrington Declaration, but mostly amplifying establishment assumptions, such as citing “case rates”, rather than truly sick and infected or hospitalized people. Most COVID-19 statistics cite PCR test results, which are prone to error, depending on the cycle threshold used to magnify samples. At any rate, the PCR test’s inventor, Dr. Kary Mullis, has stated categorically that the PCR test is not a diagnostic test. Then, there’s the VAERS data, which is usually occulted, and the official statistical models have been occulted, and the 17,000 doctors speaking out in dissent, and the doctors being persecuted, targeted, smeared, for refusing to be coerced into pushing an absurd agenda. The Gary Null Show addresses most, if not all, common sense concerns and critiques about the police state psyop response to COVID-19, which is threatening to close the open society, to force ‘COVID passports’ on everyone, to mandate jabs for kids without parental consent, to impose unscientific ‘social distancing’, to abolish cash and impose a central bank digital currency (CBDC), to make most people fearful of everyone else, to further alienate people and atomize society, in short, to incrementally impose inverted totalitarianism.

[09 MAY 2023]

[Last modified/edited/updated on 21 MAY 2023 at 08:08 PDT]

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